UC&N Model Railroad

The relocation and rebuilding of one of the world’s most popular and loved narrow gauge model railroads, the Union Central and Northern is occurring in the 2nd floor baggage room at the historic Cheyenne Depot Museum. The Union Central and Northern (UC&N) Model Railroad layout created by Harry W. Brunk of Clarkson, NE officially opened during the 2012 Depot Days. Mr. Brunk spent over 30 years handcrafting everything from the scenery to the rolling stock for this HO scale of the narrow gauge Clear Creek (Colorado) Lines of the Colorado and Southern Railway. The UC&N's development has been chronicled in over 100 magazine articles over the years in Narrow Gauge & Short Line Gazette and the Model Railroader. While the layout is very well known it has never left Mr. Brunk's residence or been on public display until now.
Through the generosity of Mr. Brunk and thoughtfulness of Mr. Rick Steele, owner of LaBelle Woodworking the UC&N has been donated to the Cheyenne Depot Museum for permanent public display.
For the UC&N Facebook page click here and a video by Michael Tuinstra click here.
For information on becoming a UC&N volunteer, email sarah@cheyennedepotmuseum.org.

Acclaim for the layout:
"I went to Cheyenne this past Tuesday just to see the Union Central and Northern... Harry Brunk's layout. The guys at the museum are doing a wonderful job of preserving Harry's layout with some necessary changes. I also timed it just right as Harry Brunk was there working on the backdrop. Well, Harry is the nicest guy you could ever meet. He sat down with my wife, myself and another museum member. We had a great chat for about an hour. I would call this a must trip for any narrow gauger or really any model railroader. I did and I'm from Rochester, NY. This was a 1550 mile trip."